Fremont Federal Credit Union Club Savings Account
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Club Savings Accounts

Christmas Club or Vacation Club accounts to ease the burden of these expenses. 

Give nicer gifts. Gather friends for food and festivities. Go over the river, through the woods - and even fly through the air - to visit far-off family members. By saving year-round with a Christmas Club account, you can bring more joy to your world each December.

  • Open an account with a $0 minimum deposit.
  • No monthly service charge
  • Pays interest on all balances
  • By arranging your funds to be deposited automatically through Payroll Deduction or Direct Deposit, over-the-counter, Mobile Banking, Online Banking, and earning interest, you will see your account grow.
  • You always have access to your funds and are able to deposit or withdraw your money from your  Club accounts at any time.

We no longer transfer your Christmas Club Savings to your checking or savings in October.

You have full access to your money and can transfer it to your Saving or Checking at any time by coming into any FFCU location, shared branch, or through our Online Banking Service. Don’t have a Christmas Club yet? Our tellers can quickly open a Christmas Club account for you at their window. You can also set up a payroll deposit to start saving for next year! It’s quick and easy!

For more information, stop by a convenient branch or contact a Member Service Representative Today!

Questions about our Savings Accounts? Call 419-334-4434 in Fremont or 419-849-2570 in Woodville or 419-547-2348 in Clyde, or 419-573-6310 in Port Clinton, or stop by your favorite Fremont Federal Credit Union office for more information.

Open an Account Today!

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