Fremont Federal Credit Union Shred for Safety Day
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Shred for Safety Day

Shred for Safety DayAre you afraid that you may someday become a victim of Identity Theft? This occurs when a thief obtains and uses someone’s personal information to open new accounts and apply for loans in the victim's name.

Fremont Federal Credit Union wants to make sure you’re not putting yourself at risk. One of the most common methods thieves use to obtain personal information is by searching through someone’s trash.

What is in your trash? Do you discard old financial statements that contain account numbers or your social security number? If so, you may be putting yourself at risk. Throwing away documents with personal information may increase your risk for Identity Theft.

Because the safest way to discard documents is to shred them, Fremont Federal Credit Union holds Shred for Safety Days 5 times a year, May through September.

Watch the website for more details on the specific dates and times.

Shred for Safety Calendar

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