Fremont Federal Credit Union Loan Rates
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Loan Rates

Autos  RV & Boats  Motorcycle & ATVs  Credit Cards  Quick Cash  Share Secured  Student Tuition  Mortgages  Home Equity  Unimproved Property

Automobile Loan Rates
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
Type of LoanTermFixed RateAPR*
New/Used Automobile/Trucks/Vans Up to 36 Months As low as 5.25% 5.87%
APR = Annual Percentage Rate and is based on a loan amount of $20,000, a rate of 5.25%, and 36 monthly payments of $599.23

RV and Boat Loan Rates
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
Type of LoanTermFixed RateAPR*
New/Used RV and Boat Loans As low as 36 Months As low as 6.75% 7.131%
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate and is based on a loan amount of $20,000, a rate of 6.75%, and 60 monthly payments of $391.64

Motorcycle Loan Rates
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
Type of LoanTermFixed RateAPR*
New/Used Motorcycle and ATV's Up to 36 Months As low as 6.50% 7.125%
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate and is based on a loan amount of $20,000, a rate of 6.50%, and 36 monthly payments of $609.91.

Credit Cards

VISA Platinum/VISA Platinum Rewards Disclosure

Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
for Purchases
Low Rate Visa Platinum Visa Platinum Rewards

9.45% to 18.00%
Depending on your credit worthiness.
This APR will vary with market-based on the Prime Rate.

11.95% to 18.00%
Depending on your credit worthiness.
This APR will vary with market-based on the Prime Rate

APR for Balance Transfers

9.45% to 18.00%
Depending on your credit worthiness.
This APR will vary with market-based on the Prime Rate.

11.95% to 18.00%
Depending on your credit worthiness.
This APR will vary with market-based on the Prime Rate.

APR for Cash Advances

9.45% to 18.00%
Depending on your credit worthiness.
This APR will vary with market-based on the Prime Rate.

11.95% to 18.00%
Depending on your credit worthiness.
This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

Penalty APR and When it applies None
Paying Interest Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. We will not charge you any interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and balance transfers on the transaction date.
Minimum Interest Charge If you are charged interest, there is no minimum interest charge.
For Credit Card Tips from the
Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau
To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at:


Annual Fee None
Transaction Fees
  Balance Transfer

  Cash Advance Fee

  Foreign Transaction



2% of each multiple currencies in U.S. Dollars
2% of each single currency in U.S. Dollars

Penalty Fees

  Late Payment Fee
  Returned Check Fee
  Over Limit Fee

May be up to $25.00, if you are 5 or more days late.
May be up to $25.00, if your payment is returned for any reason.

How we will calculate your balance:  We use the method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)."

Billing Rights:  Information on your rights to dispute transactions and how to exercise those rights is provided in your account agreement.

Prime Rate:  The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will vary based on changes in the Index, the Prime Rate as published in the Wall Street Journal as of 30 days immediately preceding the billing cycle. The Credit Union may adjust the rate once each month effective the first day of the billing cycle. APR changes will reflect on the following month's statement. As of December 23, 2024, the index was 7.50%.

Rates, fees, and terms may change:  We may change the rates, fees, and terms of your account at any time for any reason. These reasons may be based on information in your credit reports, such as your failure to make payments to other creditors when due, amounts owed to other creditors, the number of credit accounts outstanding or the number of credit inquiries. These reasons may also include competitive or market-related factors. If we make a change for any of these reasons, you will receive 45-day advance notice in writing and a right to opt-out in accordance with applicable law.

Personal Loan Rates
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
Type of LoanTermFixed RateAPR*
Unsecured Personal Loan Up to 60 Months As low as 11.00% 12.619%
*APR is Annual Percentage Rate and is based on a loan amount of $5,000.00, a rate of 11.00%, and 60 monthly payments of $107.80.

Quick Cash Loan Rates
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
$75.00 Processing Fee
AmountTermFixed RateAPR*
$1,075.00 12 Month 3.75% 17.677%
$1,575.00 15 Month 9.50% 17.546%
$2,075.00 20 Month 12.0% 16.736%
$2,575.00 25 Month 14.0% 17.170%
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate.

Share Secured Loan Rates
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
Type of LoanTermFixed RateAPR*
Savings Account Secured Up to 60 Months Share Rate + 3.00% 6.164%
Shared Certificate Secured Up to 60 Months CD rate + 3.00% 6.164%
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is based on a loan amount of $5,000, rate of 5% and 60 monthly payments of $94.35. The floor rate for Shared Secure products is 5%.

Student Tuition/K-12 Loan Rates
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
Type of LoanTermFixed RateAPR*
Student Loan Up to 12 Months As low as 9.25% 17.26%
*The Annual Percentage Rate (APR ) is based on a loan amount of $5,000 rate of 9.25% and 12 monthly payments of $434.66.

Mortgage Loans
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
Rates change daily. Please call us at 419-333-2934 for a current rate.

Home Equity Loan Rates
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
Type of LoanTermRateAPR*
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) up to 80% LTV Up to 15 Years As low as the Prime Rate 8.297%
*The Annual Percentage Rate (APR ) is based on a $10,000 loan at the floor rate of 8.00% and payments of $95.00 monthly for 180 months. The draw period is five years, and the initial payment during this period is calculated to amortize the payments required to pay off your loan balance over a 180-month period. A minimum credit line of $5,000 is required. Ceiling Rate of 18% and a floor rate of 8.50%. Rates are subject to change quarterly based on updates to the Prime Rate.

Unimproved Property Loans
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
Rates change daily. Please call us at 419-333-2934 for a current rate.

The interest rate and APR for all products are subject to qualification and approval and are based on several factors including but not limited to, loan-to-value, credit score, and requested term and model year (for applicable products). The listed rates assume a member with excellent credit. Rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Longer loan terms may be available. Membership eligibility is required. Please call one of our loan officers today at 419-334-4434 for additional information and disclosures.

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