Fremont Federal Credit Union Fee Schedule
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Fee Schedule

Fee Schedule
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
Check Cashing Fee $3.00
Waived with $250 in savings or checking or with any loan relationship
Membership Close/Reopen $5.00
Within a 12 month rolling period
Inactive/Dormant Account $2.00
Assessed per month when an account has no activity for 12 consecutive months
Legal Processing $50.00
Attachments, garnishments, tax levies, etc.
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) $30.00
Assessed when an item (check, ATM withdrawal, ACH, VISA Check Card purchase) is presented against your checking or savings account in excess of available and collected funds and returned to the presenter by the credit union.
Overdraft Privilege Pay $30.00
Assessed when an item (check, ATM withdrawal, ACH, Visa Check Card purchase) is presented against your checking or savings account and is paid by the credit union.
Savings Transfer to Cover Checking Overdraft $5.00
A per-item fee will be charged when an item (such as a check, ATM withdrawal, ACH transaction, or Visa Check Card purchase) is presented against your checking account and exceeds the available funds collected. In such cases, an automatic transfer from your savings account to your checking account will be initiated to cover the overdraft.
Return of Deposited Item 1st & 2nd charge $10.00 thereafter will be charged $20.00
Assessed when a check you've deposited is returned to us by the paying financial institution.
Check Collection Fee Determined per item
Pass through fee from our Corporate Credit Union
Stop Payment Order/Renewal $25.00
Applies to checks and ACH items
Copy of Paid Check $5.00
Research and Reconciliation First Hour is free then charge $5.00 per hour after the first hour
First hour is free, then $5.00 per hour after the first hour.
Interrim Statement Copy $5.00
Hold and Return Statements $5.00
Money Orders $3.00
Official Checks $5.00
ATM/Visa Check Card Replacement $15.00
Card Replacement Fee 1st card free after that a $15.00 fee is charged within a 3-year cycle period
Visa Check Card International Service Assessment (ISA) Fee involving foreign currency 2%
Loose Coin Verification 10% of total
Incoming & Outgoing Wire Transfers $20.00
Phone Transfer Fee $5.00
Online Banking with Bill Payment Option FREE
Check Order Varies depending on the style and quantity ordered


Business and Organizational Accounts
Monthly Service Fee     Basic Business
                                         Service Plus
Exchange of Currency No Cost
Per Transaction Fee No Cost
Cash Deposits No Cost
Per Transaction Fee No Cost
Cash Deposits No Cost
Online Banking/Bill Pay/ RDC/Mobile Banking No Cost
Night Depository Bags/Clear Plastic No Cost

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